Friday, May 14, 2010


I still interesting on learning how to cook food.That one the my goal,I still trying different kind a food .I like so many kinds of foods start with my traditions food.
I like America food and Asia food. I eat most all kinds meat and vegetables.

Other night I was sleeping and there was a cat on the top of roof it was criying like little baby .For one munute I thought my neice is crying this cotinou for while and I said I has to go check what it? I got a flashlight turning to the top of the roof there was a cat crying.The next day every of house toll me they was afraid with that noise.


  1. Please expand the first paragraph. Give me an example of WHAT KIND of "American" food you like and what kind of Asian food you like. What kinds of food can you cook now? What is your "dream" -- what do you want to be able to cook?

  2. I like your second paragraph. That could be another great post.
